How are the Elderly Presented in the Media?
If this quote above were true, we would live in a completely different world. but as a society as a whole, we are obsessed with the idea of being young forever. Once you start gaining wrinkles and grey hair, you aren’t worth as much anymore. Commercials bombarded the older generation and make them feel that they aren’t enough the way they are, they must be looking as young as possible.
Our society is so consumed with looking youthful that people
will do whatever it takes to look as young as possible. With Botox, make up,
face lift, and more, the media emphasizes that being old isn’t glamorous
They dont want to be viewed as they aged what so ever, and that they are still considered beautiful.
Also, when looking at commericals, older individuals are viewed as weak, absendminded, dependant. Being old isn't something to celebrate, it is something to chage.
In this coke commerical, the older individuals are okay. Their lives are amazing or fun, they are just living. Its not until they drink the product thta they instintly become young, and happy again. This product is displaying how being old is a hasle and something that needs to be changed in order to have a good life.
In the two commercials featured above, it shows that elders aren't up to par with the rest of society. They are either to weak to be alone, or they have no idea how social media works. Those are two main things that we strive on as well. People should be able to be dependent, and also have a means of communicating with other. Putting elders down in such a way is demeaning to that generation.
In conclusion, I think this commercial is something to learn off of. Yes, the older generation are different from the younger generation. But that doesn't mean that we should throw them away or belittle them. As a society, we should learn from our elders. They have lived long lives, with so much information that we aren't aware of yet.